
WATCH: Reporter Catches Smug RINO Dan Crenshaw In a Big Lie Regarding U.S. Intelligence Agencies Manipulating Americans – Crenshaw Then Bails When Confronted with Specifics

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Credit: @TuckerCarlson

One of Congress’s most infamous RINOs was caught by a reporter lying about the Deep State manipulation while trying to make TikTok the root of all evil in America.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the House approved a bill Wednesday that demands China tech giant ByteDance to sell off TikTok, or the infamous media app will be effectively banned in America. Specifically, the bill gives TikTok “six months to eliminate foreign adversary control — which would include ByteDance divesting its current ownership — to remain available in the United States.”

After Congress voted on legislation, Tucker Carlson obtained footage Friday of Rep. Dan Crenshaw (RINO-TX) speaking with reporters about why he felt banning TikTok was crucial to national security and stopping the Chinese from spreading misinformation to manipulate the American people.