
Out of Touch Elitist Bill Maher Lectures Ordinary Americans to “Quit Living with Their Head in the Toilet” and Be Thankful for Joe Biden (VIDEO)

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Bill Maher lectures ordinary Americans to be thankful for Joe Biden. Wow, what a clueless chump.

It’s really true what they say. The Democrat elites really do hate the working class.

Clueless elitist Bill Maher lectured ordinary Americans suffering under the abuses of the Biden regime to quit “living with their head in the toilet” and be grateful for Joe Biden.

Working Americans ought to love this.

Maher, who is worth an estimated $120 million, actually posted this clip on his Twitter-X page.
He thinks it was clever. What a huge blunder.

Stop acting like life in America in 2024 is unbearable. Biden’s ratings are in the toilet not because he’s doing a bad job but because many Americans like living with their head in the toilet.