
138 Democrat Congressmen Sign Letter Against Amendment Allowing Certain Veterans to Own Firearms

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Last week, a consortium of Democrat lawmakers in the House signed a joint letter suggesting infringements on certain veterans’ Second Amendment Rights because of a “mentally incompetent” diagnosis from Veterans Affairs (VA) rating agencies.  The current regulation regarding VA pensions, 38 CFR 3.353, defines “mentally incompetent” as “A…person is one who because of injury or disease lacks the mental capacity to contract or to manage his or her own affairs, including disbursement of funds without limitation.”

The “official determination” of mental incompetency is made by the VA rating agencies, who have “sole authority” in making such a determination.  According to the regulation, the determination is made for purposes of insurance and disbursement of benefits.  This regulation does not address “determinations of insanity,” as that is the very next code,