
US Justice Alito Blasts US Government and Facebook “Partnership”—The Government Treats Big Tech “like subordinates”Because They Have “Section 230 and anti-trust in its pocket” [VIDEO]

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Today, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Murthy v. Missouri Supreme Court free speech case.

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Murthy v. Missouri, which concerns communications between federal government officials and social media companies on their content moderation policies and whether this amounts to government suppression or speech censorship. Missouri, Louisiana, and five individuals filed suit arguing that the federal government violated their First Amendment speech rights by influencing social media companies to censor their posts related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 elections.

In a tweet this morning, Senator Rand Paul called the case the most consequential free speech case in U.S. history. He tweeted, “This isn’t just about social media companies;