
Saudi Aramco CEO: ‘The Energy Transition Is Failing. Policymakers Should Abandon the Fantasy of Phasing Out Oil and Gas’

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The climate alarmist cult is in planetary disarray, with their once-unquestionable ‘scientific theories’ and ‘environmental policies’ getting rejected at a rapid pace in many parts of the world.

European farmers and Canadian Provincial Premiers and conservatives everywhere in the western world are getting increasingly vocal about the shortcomings of the so-called ‘Green New Deal’.

In this context, it’s reassuring to see some measure of pushback from people who have real skin in the game, like Big Oil moguls.

The world’s biggest oil producer is the Saudi company Aramco. Its CEO, Amin Nasser, just came out yesterday (18) and said that the energy transition envisioned by the ‘global warming’ crowd is failing.

He went ahead and in a rare show of honesty,