
“They Could Dump and Get Rid of the Phony J-6 Committee Report” – Steve Bannon Calls on Congress to Dump the Phony J-6 Report that Is Fraught with Lies and Used as a Weapon (VIDEO)

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Steve Bannon defended his friend Peter Navarro today on The War Room as the former Trump official turned himself over to authorities after he refused to testify in front of Liz Cheney’s sham January 6 Unselect Committee, a committee that we now know lied repeatedly with their findings and deleted critical testimony and video that would exonerate their political opposition.

Steve Bannon praised his friend and called on the Republicans in Congress to throw out the phony January 6 Committee report that is fraught with lies and is being used to persecute Republicans and good Americans.

Steve Bannon: Number one is his legal case and the process of going forward on appeals. And he said he’s going to take it all the way to Supreme Court because it’s got many elements that need to be addressed by the Supreme Court.