
ROCKET MEN: Iran Warned Not To Sell Missiles for Russia, Japan Warned Not To Transfer Missiles for Ukraine – While North Korea Has Sent Moscow SEVEN THOUSAND CONTAINERS of Missiles and Ammo

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On the subject of the war in Ukraine, we see that Kiev is winning the war PR in the MSM media, Russia is winning the kinetic war on the ground, but the real winners are the weapon manufacturers, who are laughing all the way to the bank.

There does not seem to be enough inventory in this world for the needs of a large peer-to-peer war, especially when it comes to artillery ammo and missiles.

As it stands now in the ground, Russia has a 7-1 superiority in artillery, and is also vastly overpowering when it comes to missiles and, lately, the ‘smart loitering munitions’. Ukrainian forces are reportedly at the brink of collapse.
