
Joe Biden Attacks Trump at Ritzy Houston Fundraiser About His Handling of Covid, Claims Trump Must Have ‘Injected Himself with Bleach’

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Joe Biden on Thursday arrived in Houston, Texas to attend a ritzy fundraiser.

Secret Service agents closely followed Biden so he doesn’t trip down the stairs again.


Crooked Joe Biden arrives in Houston for another day of ritzy fundraisers.

Secret Service agents follow closely behind to make sure he doesn’t trip down the short stairs again. pic.twitter.com/aW6wBJK4po

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 21, 2024

Biden took a cheap shot at Trump during the private fundraiser for his handling of Covid.

Biden asked the donor crowd, “Remember when he said inject bleach?”

After some laughs, Biden added: “I think he must’ve done it.”

The crowd laughed.