
MUST READ: Donald Trump’s Civil Cases In New York Are About Much More Than Him – And If Allowed To Stand, Will Be The Death Knell For Capitalism, Property Rights, And The Rule Of Law

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Donald Trump waves to supporters as he heads to court in New York City.

By Paul Ingrassia

The Constitution established a form of limited government that was intended to do little else except preserve property rights while guarding those foundational liberties – i.e., freedom to speak, assemble, and religious freedom – that are necessary building blocks for any democratic society.  The government enacted by our Founding Fathers was not designed, as modern Leftists conceive it, to protect the marketplace against perceived injustices, real or imagined, in the namesake of “diversity” or “equity” or some other liberal trope, that – if brought to its logical conclusion – would level all standards, quash all forms of creative genius, and level all of society to the lowest common denominator.