
Soyuz Rocket Mission Carrying American, Russian and Belarusian Astronauts to the International Space Station Is Suspended Seconds Before Liftoff – Crew Is Safe

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A collaboration between an American and a Belarusian women and a Russian man is something so rare to find these days that you may have to look up to space to find it.

Russia aborted the launch of the Soyuz rocket carrying the three astronauts (and cosmonauts) to the International Space Station.

The launch was suspended mere seconds before liftoff. The crew is safe, officials said.

The International space station is still a symbol of post-Cold War international cooperation. NASA and the international partners hope to continue operating it until 2030.

Associated Press reported:

“The Russian Soyuz rocket was to carry NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson, Oleg Novitsky of Roscosmos and Marina Vasilevskaya of Belarus from the Russian-leased Baikonur launch facility in Kazakhstan.