
The War in Myanmar: Karenni Resistance Fighters Need Stingers

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Members of the Karenni Army take part in a graduation ceremony for military trainees in October 2021 (KNPP/Facebook)

Antonio Graceffo

Reporting from inside the war zone in Myanmar/Burma

Americans are sick of solving the world’s problems, and many are fed up with funding Ukraine. However, the war in Myanmar/Burma is a just cause, and the locals are willing to do all the fighting if America would give them some surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) like the FIM-92 Stinger to counter Russian and Chinese helicopters and aircraft.

The war in Myanmar has been ongoing since 1948, with ethnic resistance armies fighting against the military junta. Three years ago, the junta allowed a popular election, which was won in a landslide by the National League for Democracy (NLD).