
Marco Rubio Stuns ABC’s Jonathan Karl and Leaves Him Stuttering Like a Fool After Eviscerating Joe Biden’s Policy Failures While Also Defending President Trump (VIDEO)

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Credit: ABC This Week X screenshot

Left-wing ABC News host Jonathan Karl found himself completely humiliated Sunday morning by a fully prepared Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) after his ambush questions on President Trump completely backfired.

During an interview on ABC’s This Week, Karl attempted to pressure Rubio into saying negative things about Trump throughout the interrogation. He started by asking about reports regarding Rubio being under consideration as Trump’s running mate and said he was surprised the Florida senator was open to the possibility.

Rubio calmly responded that anyone should be honored when presented with an opportunity to serve America, and being VP is one way to do this. He also pointed out that he has yet to talk to Trump,