
Sen. Tom Cotton: “I’m Deeply Worried That ISIS From Afghanistan Will End Up Targeting Americans Sooner Rather Than Later” (VIDEO)

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Republican Senator Tom Cotton was on Fox News Sunday with Shannon Bream to discuss the dangers of potential attacks from ISIS on Americans.

“You sit on Senate intelligence. How worried are you about an attack like that on our soil?” Bream asked, referencing the attack in Moscow.

“Well, I am very worried about it,” Cotton said.

“We have millions of Americans who live or travel abroad throughout Europe and Asia, embassies, businesses there. So, I’m deeply worried that ISIS from Afghanistan will end up targeting Americans sooner rather than later,” Cotton continued.


Sen. Tom Cotton: “I’m deeply worried that ISIS from Afghanistan will end up targeting Americans sooner rather than later.” pic.twitter.com/Fnn3UWKBiB

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) March 24,