
Beyond the Headlines: Elijah Schaffer Discusses the Terror of Lawless Illegals at Chicago Migrant Facility (Video)

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Joe Biden’s illegals flip the bird to reporters in the Windy City.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the dystopian political landscape unfolding in Chicago, reaching a fever pitch with the immigration crisis.

Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines, and Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice, teamed up on March 21st to expose the truth about the human catastrophe in Chicago. While many immigrants are likely seeking a brighter future, the economy of violence and exploitation has spun out of control due to the rampant corruption of the Democrat party in blue cities across America. Americans and illegal immigrants alike have become victims of violent crime including murder. Cities like Chicago signal no end in sight to the human tragedy that lays at the foot of the American taxpayer.