
Patrick Byrne Answers Trump’s Call To Support J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel When All Organizations Refused

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Former Overstock CEO and philanthropist Patrick Byrne intervened to save J6 political hostage Ryan’s Samsel’s life, when it seemed like no one else would.

Samsel’s attorney refused to file a writ of habeas corpus lawsuit to assure US District Judge Jia Cobb would grant Samsel’s repeated request for emergency surgery that he’s been deprived of for three years. The surgery would prevent him from continuing to develop more blood clots, as the clots in his foot, leg and arm remain untreated.

Samsel sought representation from another attorney and was told it would cost a whopping $81,000 to file the claim. Another wanted $35,000 for a retainer fee.

After three years of fighting criminal charges,