
Peter Sweden: New mRNA Side Effect: “Safe and Effective” was a LIE

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Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him at PeterSweden.com.

The Danish Medicines Agency has warned that chronic hives is a possible side effect of the Moderna mRNA injection.

Remember how we were bombarded by the media and “the experts” that the brand new mRNA shots were completely SAFE and EFFECTIVE?

That was a phrase that we heard repeated over and over again.

But some people were skeptical and warned that there could be side effects. They were quickly branded by the media as “crazy conspiracy theorists”.

Turns out that they were right after all…

Now the Danish Medicines Agency has come out saying that chronic hives is a possible side effect of the Moderna Spikevax vaccine,