
Recalled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin Tells Audience Victims Don’t Have Rights Under Constitution (Video)

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In 2022, Chesa Boudin, the radical far-left DA of San Francisco, was successfully voted out of office by recall.

Boudin was brought up by terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn after his parents were sent to prison for terrorism.

He has the distinction of being too far left on crime for the people of one of the most liberal cities in the country.

After his ouster, he was hired by the law school at UC-Berkeley.

During a conference held at Berkeley Law,  Boudin said crime victims don’t have rights under the Constitution.

Boudin led a discussion on criminal justice issues at  “Justice Unveiled: Debating Crime and Public Safety Conference.”

Former prosecutor Cully Stimson raised the issue of the “progressive prosecutor” movement,