
Former Head of the Holy Office, German Cardinal Gerhard Müller Torches Biden’s Support for ‘Infanticide’, Suggests He Should Be ‘Excommunicated’

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There was once a time, not so long ago, when the Vatican prelate tasked with the highest doctrine office actually cared about… the doctrine.

German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, who headed the Holy Office under former Pope Benedict XVI, has just condemned U.S. President Joe Biden’s support for abortion.

Müller said called it ‘infanticide’, and said that people promoting this crime should be ‘excommunicated’.

LifeSite News reported:

“’The word ‘abortion’ is too much a soft word. The reality is killing, murder of a living person’, said Cardinal Gerhard Müller. ‘There’s no right to kill another person. It’s absolutely against the Fifth Commandment’.”

The cardinal made his comments during an interview with LifeSiteNews in Rome.