
Biden Tells Al Roker His Favorite Memories in the White House Are His Grandkids Sneaking Into Bed with Him…Nearly All of Them are Adults (VIDEO)

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Dr. Jill and Joe joined “TODAY” on Monday before the annual White House Easter Egg Roll began.

40,000 people attended the 144th Easter Egg Roll. According to reports, there are 64,000 eggs on the South Lawn.

Joe Biden on Monday morning heavily slurred his words as he spoke with “TODAY” host Al Roker.

“What is so special about this egg roll?” Al Roker asked Biden.

Jill Biden winced as Joe Biden slurred his way through an answer: “Well, what’s so special is this is the people’s house and [unintelligible] there’s over 40,000 people here – the largest ever! And we just like opening up the place and let the people see this is their place.”

Biden is reallllllly slurring this morning pic.twitter.com/OBPCELh31V

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 1,