
EPIC: “What The Hell Was Biden Thinking?” – President Trump Proclaims November 5 “Christian Day of Visibility, when Christians Turn Out in Numbers That Nobody has Ever Seen Before” (VIDEO)

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President Trump responded to Joe Biden’s blasphemous proclamation of Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility while speaking at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, on Tuesday.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, “devout Catholic” Joe Biden prioritized transgenders, who he ironically said “are made in the image of God,” over the holiest of Christian holidays this past Sunday.

From Easter Sunday:

Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all trans Americans:

I see you.

You are made in the image of God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity. pic.twitter.com/ihvsJrXEyd

— President Biden (@POTUS) March 31, 2024

To make matters worse,