
Exclusive: The Shot from the Front that Hit JFK’s Right Temporal Bone by His Ear, Creating a Massive Blow-out Wound in the Occipital Bone at the Right Back of JFK’s Head-Excerpt From the Latest Book by Jerome Corsi and David Mantik

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Excerpt from the New Book: David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. and Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis (2024)

Read part one and two.

Dr. Michael Chesser: X-ray Film Evidence of an Oblique Shot

In JFK’s lateral X-ray film, Dr. Michael Chesser spotted a keyhole fracture in the temporal bone, near JFK’s right ear. Such a fracture was described in “Keyhole Fracture of the Skull,” in the December 2008 issue of the Military Medicine Radiology Corner:

A keyhole fracture has a characteristic pattern…of both gunshot entrance and exit trauma. Keyhole fractures can be created by bullets penetrating the skull at an angle,