
Author J.K. Rowling Continues to Advocate for Women: “I am Strongly Against Women’s and Girls’ Rights and Protections Being Dismantled to Accommodate Trans-Identified Men”

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J.K. Rowling has long been a target of extreme hate and frequent death threats from trans activists and the woke mob for her unwavering belief that men cannot become women.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on the transgender community and their allies directing their rage against Rowling for the sin of expressing her personal opinions on transgender issues.

She took a public stand supporting researcher Maya Forstater after Forstater was let go from her job for making comments labeled as “transphobic.”  Social Justice Warriors branded Rowling a “TERF,” which stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist,” for doing so.

She triggered the SJWs again for daring to “misgender” the person behind a Twitter account allegedly tied to Luis Morales,  » READ MORE