
TYT’s Cenk Uygur Admits Democrats Rig Elections For ‘Corrupt’ Joe Biden, Now ‘Considering’ Voting For RFK Jr. (VIDEO)

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Cenk Uygur, the founder and lead host of The Young Turks, has said he is “considering” voting for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. over Joe Biden.

Speaking with his fellow host Ana Kasparian, Uygur broke down how the Democratic Party rigs election in favor of Joe Biden and smears outside candidates who they deem as a threat to their worldview:

The headlines are wrong. He didn’t say Biden is a bigger threat, he said he could make an argument for that. And you’ve got to be careful with that. You know what the mainstream media loves to do, they love to smear anyone who’s an outsider.

Number two, he’s right to be concerned about Biden being a threat to democracy himself,