
Woke Body Positive and Anti-Diet Movements Normalizing Obesity

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Male abdominal obesity” by Lymantria, licensed under CC BY 3.0. Original image source: [Picasa Web Albums](https://picasaweb.google.com/105432035598159259077/SeychellesIslands2007#5308347760697849058), reviewed by Lymantria on 14 September 2011.Body Positive and anti-diet movements are normalizing obesity, and some dietitians and researchers, funded by fast-food companies, are on board.

“Fat is fine” is the new mantra of those who want fat people to be accepted in spite of how they look and despite health problems associated with obesity. “Body positivity” is defined as “a movement where people whose bodies may not be seen as acceptable by society feel good about themselves and their looks.” The body positive movement, along with a related “anti-diet” movement and “health at every size,” are normalizing fat,