
Are European Intelligence Services Conspiring Against the Right? – AfD Member Petr Bystron Is their Latest Target

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German AfD politician Petr Bystron faces Russian Collusion allegations

German AfD politician Petr Bystron faces Russian Collusion allegations

We are all aware of the many allegations against Trump regarding a “Trump-Russia Collusion“. Now Europe is facing a strategically organized defamation campaign of even greater extent: NGOs with concealed ties to the state, governments and even intelligence services are collaborating to destroy all right-wing anti-globalist parties.

The latest victim of this epic scheme is Petr Bystron, spokesman on foreign affairs for the AfD (Germany’s right-wing opposition) and candidate in the German Bundestag: On March 28th, the Czech news platform Denik N revealed it had been informed that the Czech Security Information Service BIS (national intelligence agency) was in possession of a damning audio recording which proved that Bystron had been bribed by the pro-Russian network Voice of Europe.