
Facebook Disables Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov’s Account for Daring to Sound Alarm on Hamas Threat in the U.S.

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Jamie Glazov

Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov has confirmed that on April 4, Facebook disabled his account.

His violation?  Sharing a recent Glazov Gang episode  which discussed the danger posed to Americans by Hamas terrorists: “Oct 7th Coming to the USA?

Facebook removed the post and disabled his account because “the post violated its ‘community standards’ and posed a threat to ‘the security of people on Facebook.’”

Frontpage reports:

Why, exactly, is Facebook trying to cover up the barbarities Hamas inflicted on Israelis on Oct 7 – and the barbarities that it promises to inflict on innocents around the world in the future? And why is Facebook disabling the accounts of individuals who are telling the truth about it?