
Another Leftist Insurrection: Screaming Anti-Israel Protestors Shut Down Senate Cafeteria

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Anti-Israel protesters shut down Senate cafeteria (Image: video screenshot)

On Tuesday, an anti-Israel mob with faux-bloodied hands swarmed and shut down the cafeteria in the Dirksen Senate Office building.

The group sang and chanted, “Senate can’t eat until Gaza eats!”

Demands from the protesters include the Senate endorsing a ceasefire, the restoration of UNRWA funding, and an end to military aid to Israel.

According to Fox News, at least 50 people were arrested and removed.

The U.S. Capitol Police confirmed to Fox News that those arrested inside the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., were charged with Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding.

“It is illegal to demonstrate inside any of the Congressional Buildings,” Capitol Police said in a statement.