
MUST SEE: James O’Keefe Confronts Lying Federal Reserve Economist Who Confirmed TGP’s Reporting on Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s Efforts to Crash the Trump Economic Boom by Raising Rates: “I Never Said That”

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Fed Principal Economist Aurel Hizmo does pushups while waiting for his “date” with an undercover journalist.

James O’Keefe has released footage from his cell phone confrontation in Washington, D.C., with a principal economist at the Federal Reserve who nervously paced away, followed by cameramen, from the public pier near Nationals Park baseball stadium.

Economist Aurel Hizmo thought he was meeting the undercover journalist he was dating at a bar when OMG cameramen approached him, saying, “Are you [redacted]’s friend? She’s on the phone right here.”

But she wasn’t on the phone; James O’Keefe, working on a project at the California/Mexico border, was!

Earlier this week, O’Keefe Media Group released a stunning report of a top economist for the Federal Reserve admitting in an undercover video that Jerome Powell was a Trump-hater who wanted to be remembered in history for undermining President Donald Trump.