
Conservatives Close Ranks Around Musk in His Fight for Free Speech Against Brazilian Tyrannical Censorship – Argentina’s Milei Meets Him and Offers To Help in the Fight

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The battle between X-SpaceX-Tesla owner Elon Musk and the tyrannical Brazilian Supreme Court Justices is generating numerous developments in Latin America and all over the world.

So far, Musk’s tweets have generated almost 350 million views on X, catapulting the Brazilian censure overdrive to a much greater audience than one could dream for.

His courage and willingness to tackle this confrontation are starting to have a real impact in the political panorama of the Soputh American nation. Conservatives have embraced him in a major way.

Read: Elon Musk TORCHES Brazil’s Lula and Justice Moraes, and Tells the Unvarnished Truth About the Country’s Rigged Election

And even the US House of Representatives seem to have joined the fray:

just received an inquiry from the US House of Representatives regarding actions taken in Brazil that were in violation of Brazilian law.