
‘They Take Me to Court on BULLSH*T!” – President Trump Calls Out Joe Biden for His ILLEGAL LAWFARE Cases Against Trump for Purposes of Election Interference

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President Trump did not hold back in his latest statement on Joe Biden’s criminal lawfare cases against him. The Biden administration has been coordinating with far left prosecutors to bring down Trump and keeped him locked up in court during the 2024 election cycle.

Trump rightly condemns Biden for these efforts and calls these efforts by the Biden regime, “Bullsh*t!”

The Biden administration is using Marxist tactics in an obvious attempt to destroy their opposition – something we’ve seen repeated in banana republics and third world nations.

Thanks to Democrats, this is now a popular tactic of the radical left in America today.

President Trump: At what point are the actions of a sitting President using lawfare and weaponization against his opponent for purposes of election interference considered illegal?