
UNTIL DEATH OR INJURY? Ukraine’s New Conscription Law Has No Provision for Demobilization and Troop Rotation, Enraging Soldiers and Their Families

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When Ukraine approved its new mobilization law, most of the coverage revolved around the fact that it diminished the age for conscription from 27 to 25 years old.

But one sinister aspect that has passed almost unnoticed is that the military service limit provision was scrapped, meaning that – as it stands now – the Ukrainian soldiers are expected to stay in service until the war ends – unless they are injured or die before that.

Ukraine’s parliament finally adopted the mobilization law after months of debates and almost 4,300 revisions.

It left the troops ‘dumbfounded’ because earlier versions of the law had envisaged demobilization after 36 months of service.

Al Jazeera reported:

“Without the limits – and with the failure of last year’s counteroffensive and months-long delays of Western military aid – they realize that their service may only end with their disability or death.