
Globalist Tusk’s Polish Government Pushes Abortion in Parliament, so the European Union Releases Funds It Withheld From Previous Conservative Administration

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When Globalist and Euro-fanatic Donald Tusk was again elected Prime Minister of Poland, it was no secret that he was on a mission to enact all the failed Brussels policies: climate alarmism, unchecked mass migration, LGBT indoctrination… and, of course, abortion.

While Tusk is still licking his wounds from the electoral whiplash of seeing the former government party, the Conservative PiS, be the most voted in the local elections, he is nevertheless pressing hard with the ‘mission’ and, as we shall see later in this piece, is beginning to harvest the monetary rewards.

Today, it arises that Poland’s parliament has sent four different bills on liberalizing abortion laws to a special bipartisan committee for consideration.

This signals the cooperation between ruling coalition parties – despite deep divisions over the matter.