
Paul Ingrassia: Justice On Trial – Trump Will Be Whisked into Merchan’s Courthouse This Morning For What Is Sure to be an Unfair and Biased Proceeding

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Laura Loomer, Paul Ingrassia, Cara Castronuova and fellow trump supporters outside NYC courthouse on Monday.

President Trump is being whisked into Judge Merchan’s courthouse, beginning early Monday morning, before what is sure to be an unfair and biased proceeding implicating the presidential frontrunner.

First, the venue – perhaps behind only Washington, DC — New York City boasts one of the most hostile jury pools in the nation to conservatives in general, and Trump supporters in particular.

If we were operating under a normal system of justice that upheld traditional standards of judicial ethics, no jury would be allowed to draw its members from Manhattan, the most left-wing of the five boroughs in which over three in four residents voted for Biden over Trump in 2020.