
Video Resurfaces of CNN’s Brian Stelter Triggered Over ‘Humpty Dumpty’ and ‘Potato’ Moniker Used by Conservatives

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Screenshot: The Bulwark/Youtube

A video of Brian Stelter’s previous interview, in which he was extremely triggered about his famous monikers “Humpty Dumpty” and “Potato,” has resurfaced and is now circulating the internet.

Fake news host Stelter, the former CNN mouthpiece, joined Sarah Longwell’s The Focus Group Podcast earlier this year to discuss why voters have turned on FOX News.

During the interview, Stelter recounted the episodes where he received unexpected packages in the mail due to the name-calling.

These packages included an actual potato and a Humpty Dumpty toy, sent by critics who have referred to him by these monikers in an attempt to mock or discredit him because of his lies and propaganda while working at CNN.