
DHS Secretary Mayorkas Reveals No Measures in Place to Block Illegal Immigrants from Unlawfully Registering and Voting — “We Do Not Oversee the Election Enrollment Process”

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The embattled Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Alejandro Mayorkas, admitted that his department has no mechanisms in place to prevent illegal immigrants from unlawfully registering and voting in U.S. elections.

It is expected that House Republicans will formally present their impeachment articles against Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday.

In February, the House of Representatives impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas by a vote of 214 to 213.

This unprecedented action makes Mayorkas the first cabinet member to be impeached in nearly a century and a half and the first sitting cabinet secretary ever to face impeachment.

The impeachment resolution, known as H. Res. 863, charges Secretary Mayorkas with high crimes and misdemeanors.