
Google Employees Arrested After Staging Protest Inside CEO Office Demanding Google to Cut Ties With Israel (VIDEO)

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California police arrested several Google employees after staging an anti-Israel sit-in protest inside Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian’s office in Sunnyvale, California.

Employees participating in the sit-in were protesting against Google’s $1.2B contract with Israel’s government, known as Project Nimbus.

According to National Review, the pro-Palestinian protestors who are connected to the group “No Tech For Apartheid” were streaming the protest for over 10 hours before police got involved.

Similar protests erupted outside of Google’s offices in New York and Seattle.


BREAKING: Google employees were arrested after occupying their boss’s office for more than 8 hours to demand that the company sever ties with Israel.

WATCH: pic.twitter.com/W4WQO8NNgH

— Kassy Akiva (@KassyDillon) April 17,