
Village Council in Illinois Votes to Remove Only Republican Library Board Member Because “His Ideas are Unsafe”

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Bill Nienburg, former Downers Grove Library Board member/Image: Linkedin

On Tuesday night in Downers Grove, a quaint Chicago suburb, the Village Council 4-3 voted to remove the only Republican, logistics executive Bill Nienburg, from its six-member, appointed village library board.

Nienburg publicly opposed repeated initiatives intended to make the library more “progressive.”

As reported by Dupage Policy Journal, in 2022, Nienburg was the only board member who did not support a “drag queen bingo” event for children at the library featuring a male cross-dressing stripper.

The board’s plan to spend approximately $160,000 on an “anti-racism” and also to replace the Pledge of Allegiance with a “land statement,” which would declare that the town was formed on land “stolen by white Christian men from the Indians,” were also criticized by Nienburg.