
AMERICA FIRST: Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Multiple Amendments to Speaker Johnson and Biden’s Ukraine Bill – Diverts Aid to Our Southern Border and 100% of Ukraine Funds to Support Americans Impacted by Disasters

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has introduced multiple amendments to Biden and Speaker Mike Johnson’s foreign aid package, which funds Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and other conflict zones around the world as our US Southern Border remains wide open and Biden’s Border Bloodbath rages on. 

The $95 billion package provides an additional “$60.84 billion to address the conflict in Ukraine and assist our regional partners as they counter Russia, $23.2 billion of which will be used for replenishment of U.S. weapons, stocks, and facilities.” It also provides aid to both Israel and, reportedly, Gaza and other conflict zones around the world. “I will sign this into law immediately to send a message to the world,” said Joe Biden in a statement urging Democrats in the House and the Democrat-controlled Senate to pass the un-American legislation.