
CENSORSHIP WAR: Musk vs. Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Spat Escalates – Socialist Lula’s Government Wants to ‘Regulate’ Social Media, Will Interrogate X’s Brazilian Legal Team

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Remember X’s Musk versus Brazilian Justice Moraes? What began as a online skirmish has developed into a big international legal war with real geopolitical repercussions.

A flurry of activity is ongoing not only online, but ‘in real life’ too, both in the Brazilian executive and Judiciary.

So many things have happened, that this article merits a list of topics to begin with:

  • Brazilian Federal Police will question X’s Brazilian legal team.
  • Elon Musk investigated by Brazilian court.
  • President Lula meets with Justices to plan the moves ahead.
  • Justice Moraes goes to Brazilian Senate to defend social media ‘regulation’.

Brazilian press reveal that Supreme Federal Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ‘authorized’ (that’s how they put it) the Federal Police to question social network X’s Brazilian legal team.