
Perturbed New Guinea Academics Lash Out at Joe Biden Over Cannibalism Claims: “They Wouldn’t Just Eat Any White Man Who Fell from the Sky”

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New Guinea natives

Earlier this week Joe Biden accused New Guinea cannibals of likely eating his Uncle Bosey when his plane crashed on the tropical island decades ago.

On Wednesday Biden reporters on the tarmac as he was departing Scranton, Pennsylvania this shocking story about the final days of dear Uncle Bosey.

Joe Biden: “Ambrose Finnegan, we called him Uncle Bosey – he was shot down, he was Army Air Corps before there was an Air Force. He flew a single-engine plane, reconnaissance flights over New Guinea and he volunteered when someone couldn’t make it and he got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals…”

Joe Biden later reported this story about Uncle Bosey during his remarks in Pittsburgh.