
Biden Regime Proudly Abolishes Title IX – Will Now Force Women to Allow Biological Men in Their Locker Rooms, On their Team Sports and in Their Bathrooms

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On Friday, the Biden regime proudly announced that women will be forced to allow men in their locker rooms and bathrooms with a new 1577-page Title IX ruling.

Women will be forced to compete against men.

And women will be forced to accept men on their sports teams.

Women and young girls will be forced to share locker rooms and bathrooms based on gender identity rather than biological sex.

And, as May Mailman, Director of Independent Women’s Law Center, notes, Title IX is not a college law.  This will impact girls as young as those in the Headstart program, geared to children from three to five-years old, those in daycare, and those in Kindergarten through 12th grade.