
Bill Melugin: CBP Sources Say Illegal Border Crossings Rising to 6,400 in Two Days, With Most in San Diego Sector — 1,500 Illegal Crossings Two Days in a Row

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Image courtesy of Jeff Rainforth

Joe Biden’s America.

The numbers don’t lie. Even with the false narrative of the mainstream media, the border is still a mess. The Biden regime has shown for the last 3 years that they have no intention of locking down the border.

CBP sources show that this past week there were over 6,400 encounters with illegal aliens at the border for two days in a row. Before that increase, the numbers were in the 4 to 5 thousand range. Although it is a limited sample, it still is an indication that things are not improving.

Texas has seen a decrease, while a good majority of these illegal aliens are crossing in the San Diego sector.