
HUGE REVELATION: Rep. Chip Roy Reveals ONLY $47 Billion of the $113 Billion in Ukraine Funding Went to Lethal Aid – Where Did the Other $66 Billion Go? (VIDEO)

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Rep. Chip Roy reveals the dirty secret about the Ukraine funding.

Your taxpayer dollars down the drain–

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX): God bless the former president. He’s sitting there between like jury pools getting selected there in New York before this radical DA which is completely unlawful, a complete violation of norms stretching a federal crime into a state crime. It’s all a sham we all get all that. And the president, to take the time, breaking between all of that nonsense to make this statement is really important. He believes, as I do, that sure there’s a world in which you could figure out making sure there’s appropriate lethal aid, if they’re actually lethal aid.

But I want everybody out there in the audience to remember,