
BRAZIL AWAKENS: Hundreds of Thousands Gather in Rio’s Copacabana Beach Against Dictatorship and in Support of Bolsonaro! (VIDEOS)

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It’s a picture-perfect Autumn Sunday Morning, the kind that makes Rio de Janeiro one of the most celebrated cities in the world, the ‘Cidade Maravilhosa’ (City of Wonders).

On a day like that, it’s no wonder that people would flock to the beach.

But today, many people are not going to the famed Copacabana to be lazing on a Sunday morning; instead, they are gathering in yet another MASS demonstration against the socialist tyranny, in defense of democracy and in support of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

This comes right after the whole country became aware of the controversy pitting tech billionaire Elon Musk against the local Censorship Industrial Complex, led by a rogue Supreme Court and its self-appointed dictator,