
WATCH: Bishop Says Biden Doesn’t Understand Catholicism — ‘I’m Not Angry at Him, He’s Just Stupid’

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A Catholic bishop in Michigan has said that Joe Biden does not understand Catholicism.

Biden has long claimed to be a devout Catholic despite his policies being deeply contrary to the church’s teachings.

Michigan Bishop Robert Gruss of the Diocese of Saginaw lectured at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption on April 5 and discussed Biden.

Fox News reports, “Asking the faithful to interrogate their own hatreds and resentments, the bishop pointed out that destructive lack of forgiveness does not apply only to individuals they know, but also public figures and institutions.”

“If you’re harboring bad, negative, resentful feelings towards our president, you’re not free,” Gruss said. “Otherwise, you’re letting him control you and your thoughts and your words and your actions.