
Lunatics Are Running the Asylum: Columbia University President Cancels In-Person Classes as Anti-Israel Protests Escalate and Protesters Chant for Hamas on Campus

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Anti-Israel protesters form a tent city and take over the Columbia University campus. Classes were cancelled on Monday April 22, 2024 and Jewish students were told not to attend classes by prominent Jews.

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik released a statement on Monday morning cancelling in-person classes on campus on Monday.

Dean Shafik hopes to convene a “working group” to discuss the crisis on campus including the debate on whether or not to bring police on campus.

“A working group of Deans, university administrators and faculty members will try to bring this crisis to a resolution. That includes continuing discussions with the student protestors and identifying actions we can take as a community to enable us to peacefully complete the term and return to respectful engagement with each other.