
CAPITALISM WORKS: Javier Milei’s Argentina Has First Quarter Budget Surplus in 16 Years – Libertarian Leader Says ‘Our Plan Is Working’

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Economic improvements in a country’s economy are not magic, President Javier Milei told Argentines in a televised address where he had good and rare news to announce: his government is successfully taming reckless public spending, which resulted in a rare – and welcome – first quarter budget surplus.

Milei stated that this is key to improving economic prospects in the once-prosperous Latin American nation.

Reuters reported:

“‘Our plan is working’, declared the libertarian leader in a televised address.

Milei took office in December pledging to enact an economic ‘shock’ plan in a bid to lower triple-digit inflation and reverse a prolonged economic slump marked by the steady deterioration of the peso currency and growing poverty.