
Seattle Children’s Hospital Withdraws Business from Texas in Response to Investigation Into “Gen­der Tran­si­tion” Treat­ments for Minors

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Credit: Brian Soligon/Google Photo

In a significant development, Seattle Children’s Hospital has decided to stop providing gender-transition procedures and treatments for Texas minors.

This decision comes following a request from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for the hospital to submit records related to gender-affirming treatments administered to minors, as part of an ongoing investigation.

In September 2023, Texas enacted SB 14, a law prohibiting the administration of hormone therapy and surgical interventions aimed at facilitating gender transitions for individuals under the age of 18.

Since then, the Attorney General’s Office has been vigilant in enforcing the law and ensuring that no entity, within or outside of Texas, contributes to its violation.

In November of the previous year,