
Fact Check: No, The Gateway Pundit is Not Losing Its Audience — We Continue to be One of the MOST VISITED News Sites in America Today

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Yesterday, the news of the Gateway Pundit’s bankruptcy filing was released to the public.

As outlined in yesterday’s statement, this decision was made for business reasons. However, for our dedicated readers and trusted staff, there are no planned changes. We remain committed to delivering the same high-quality daily news and journalism to America today.

The mainstream media began reporting this news in a feverish way with glee and half-truths. They all had their erroneous spin on the filing. They were misunderstanding what was going on, and simply speculating as to what our motives were, what the facts were, and why it was happening.

One of the lies they started repeating in their coverage was that the traffic for the Gateway Pundit has gone down or plummeted.