
Biden Tells Howard Stern He Received “Very Salacious Pictures” From Women When He Was a Senator in the 70s That He Handed to Secret Service – Senators Don’t Have Secret Service! (AUDIO)

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This is just laughable.

Joe Biden on Friday morning called into “The Howard Stern Show” in an unannounced appearance on the far-left shock jock’s SiriusXM show.

Howard Stern loves Joe Biden and slobbered all over him during the interview even though Biden lied his face off during the call.

“I know everyone’s going to think I’m doing a fake interview with you, but you are really here,” Howard Stern said.

The live interview was a total dumpster fire.

Joe Biden the pervert absurdly claimed “women would send very salacious pictures” to him when he was a US Senator in the 1970s.

“I got put in the 10 most eligible bachelor’s list – Biden said.